Monday, May 9, 2011

Riot at the Beijing Apple Store

The iPad2 has caused a few injuries, due to the long lines to get into the Beijing store and people trying to jump them. An Apple employee took the matter into his hands and attempted to intervene when there reports of people trying to cut others. He grabbed at those cutting the line which caused the unrest. When he left the area, the front door was smashed open and a riot broke out, sending four to the hospital.

Bathing Suit Causes Uproar

Who knew a skimpy item of clothing could cause such a ruckus? It featured a print of a Hindu goddess named Lakshmi and was featured at the Australian Fashion Week. Lisa Blue is responsible for the uproar, and had offended quite a few of people in the Hindu community. She then followed with the following response on Facebook:

We would like to offer an apology to anyone we may have offended and advise that the image of Goddess Lakshmi will not appear on any piece of Lisa Blue swimwear for the new season, with a halt put on all production of the new range and pieces shown on the runway from last week removed.
Lisa Blue has been born out of a love of conservation, spirituality and a respect for all people. At no time would we ever have intended that the brand would cause offence. The use of images of Goddess Lakshmi was not in any way a measure of calculated risk taking, simply it was a desire to celebrate different cultures and share that through our brand.

Check out the one-piece below: 

Obama and His Birth Certificate

After years of speculation that Obama was not in fact an American, he finally released his birth certificate proving his birth in Honolulu, Hawaii. He had the entire country waiting for the results for what seemed like quite a while, but in the end, he proved his citizenship and ties with the country.

The Royal Wedding Frenzy

People across the globe, especially in the US, obsessed over the royal wedding as if it were their prince and princess getting married. The fashion was wonderful, and obviously the world was waiting for Kate's dress. It was fabulous in a classic, demure type of way. The prince's outfit wasn't accepted as widely, but overall they looked fantastic.,,20395222,00.html

Bin Laden is Finally Found.. and Killed

The hunt for Osama Bin Laden has finally come to an end. The al Qaeda leader was thought to be hiding in caves, but was actually found in a mansion close to a Paki military base. He was later laid to rest at sea, which sparked a memorable quote that appeared in my news feed: "I thought you weren't allowed to throw trash in the ocean".

Monday, April 18, 2011

Fish Oil

I'm sure you've heard just how good fish oil is for you. Yes, it may smell funny but its benefits are amazing. Just to name a few, fish oil has been thought to help depression, improve skin and help promote weight loss. Omega 3 is the magic component that allows fish oil to be so amazing. Click the article below to learn 20 proven health benefits of fish oil. It's worth the icky smell.

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Magic of Peanut Butter

Start your day off with peanut butter. It kickstarts your metabolism and keeps you full for quite some time. Here's a great recipe you can try.

Exercise Exercise Exercise

Exercising is an essential to being healthy. Although there are some that actually enjoy exercising, many of us see it as a chore. Find a partner to make it more fun! Then click the link below for easy exercises you can do.

Healthy Pizza Recipe For Anyone and Everyone

Pizza is an American favorite but can be quite unhealthy. But can you honestly resist pizza? Didn't think so. Click below for an awesome recipe that you can enjoy without feeling guilty after.

Avoid Wheat to Lose Weight

All the commercials that tell you wheat is good for you are inaccurate. It actually packs the pounds onto you. Read the article below to learn more.

15 Ways to Get Protein Other Than Meat

Protein is one of the most essential parts of a diet. Getting protein at each meal is a great way to build lean muscle and lose weight. Some of us may not want to consume so much meat, so click the link below to get 15 other sources of protein.

Fat is good for you!

Most people think a fat-free diet is the way to go in order to be healthy. The truth is that your body needs fat. Choosing the right fats is the tricky part, since not all fat is good. Click the article below to find out which to choose and which to steer clear of.

Monday, February 28, 2011

26 year old making Kindle-only books!5772384/this-27+year-old-makes-millions-writing-kindle+only-books

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Egyptian Baby Named After Facebook

The recent events of Egypt regarding social networking and,2817,2380670,00.asp

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Some Insight on Angie

Cozy things make me happy. Cooking while listening to soft tunes, reading in an oversized chair paired with a throw blanket and spending the evening eating ice cream in sweats are just a few prime examples of what keeps me sane. I’m the type to savor the moment, which is quite difficult to do living in New York City. But I find a way.
The restaurant and bar scene here are simply undeniable. Although I love all the comforts of being home, don’t be fooled. In order to get some sort of stress release from the work week (which also includes school and an internship for me, oh joy) I am surrounded by friends and loud music on the weekends. There’s one restaurant in particular that allows me to unwind with excellent food in front of me, and anything that makes my stomach happy makes me even happier. La Nonna of Williamsburg serves me the best Italian comfort food, and is frequently visited when I crave “family time” with friends.
            I love my independence and value it as if it were the most precious stone. I moved from the infamous New Jersey to New York in order to obtain it, and I’ve never been happier. This independence pushed me to do some pretty cool things, including studying abroad, also known as the best decision of my life. I made a second family over there in Europe, and I brought them back to the states with me. Traveling is the best way to educate yourself in what really matters. Truly knowing a world outside of your town or state gives you a sharp edge on dull people who don’t take risks. And that’s what life is all about.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Oregon Trail and Carmen Sandiego come to Facebook

Blue Fang Games has made quite a few people happy in the Facebook world. When I signed into my account, I was surprised to find quite a few updates about these games joining the other addictive pastimes in the Facebook world. I remember being in middle school and having friends who were addicted to Oregon Trail. We were allowed to play it in typing class as soon as we finished out typing assignments (they figured it made us type faster). Blue Fang did give the some new twists, like a "wagon party".

My personal favorite was Carmen Sandiego. I'm a fan of crime fiction AND travel, so this was perfect for me. These games will certainly bring in plenty of people. I can't think of one person who doesn't like taking the occasional trip down memory lane.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Nutritious Tip of the day

Getting everything in the supermarket that states "Low-Fat" or "No-Fat" on the label is certainly not the way to go. The body needs NUTRITIOUS fats, like the fats that can be found in organic whole milk and organic whole milk yogurt. Greek yogurts are a great source of good fat.

Trouble in Egypt

The events going on in Egypt have shocked many across the world. The protests have been going on for over a week and doesn't show signs of stopping. The Egyptian civilians are trying to rid of President Hosni Mubarak, who has been in rule for nearly 30 years. Internet and phone connections were previously disabled, but  phone connections have been restored to the people. These forms of communication that we use freely here in the US have been snatched from the Egyptian citizens. They are continuing to fight and I honestly don't see them giving up any time soon. Click the article below for more information.