Thursday, February 17, 2011

Some Insight on Angie

Cozy things make me happy. Cooking while listening to soft tunes, reading in an oversized chair paired with a throw blanket and spending the evening eating ice cream in sweats are just a few prime examples of what keeps me sane. I’m the type to savor the moment, which is quite difficult to do living in New York City. But I find a way.
The restaurant and bar scene here are simply undeniable. Although I love all the comforts of being home, don’t be fooled. In order to get some sort of stress release from the work week (which also includes school and an internship for me, oh joy) I am surrounded by friends and loud music on the weekends. There’s one restaurant in particular that allows me to unwind with excellent food in front of me, and anything that makes my stomach happy makes me even happier. La Nonna of Williamsburg serves me the best Italian comfort food, and is frequently visited when I crave “family time” with friends.
            I love my independence and value it as if it were the most precious stone. I moved from the infamous New Jersey to New York in order to obtain it, and I’ve never been happier. This independence pushed me to do some pretty cool things, including studying abroad, also known as the best decision of my life. I made a second family over there in Europe, and I brought them back to the states with me. Traveling is the best way to educate yourself in what really matters. Truly knowing a world outside of your town or state gives you a sharp edge on dull people who don’t take risks. And that’s what life is all about.

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