Monday, March 7, 2011

The Magic of Peanut Butter

Start your day off with peanut butter. It kickstarts your metabolism and keeps you full for quite some time. Here's a great recipe you can try.

Exercise Exercise Exercise

Exercising is an essential to being healthy. Although there are some that actually enjoy exercising, many of us see it as a chore. Find a partner to make it more fun! Then click the link below for easy exercises you can do.

Healthy Pizza Recipe For Anyone and Everyone

Pizza is an American favorite but can be quite unhealthy. But can you honestly resist pizza? Didn't think so. Click below for an awesome recipe that you can enjoy without feeling guilty after.

Avoid Wheat to Lose Weight

All the commercials that tell you wheat is good for you are inaccurate. It actually packs the pounds onto you. Read the article below to learn more.

15 Ways to Get Protein Other Than Meat

Protein is one of the most essential parts of a diet. Getting protein at each meal is a great way to build lean muscle and lose weight. Some of us may not want to consume so much meat, so click the link below to get 15 other sources of protein.

Fat is good for you!

Most people think a fat-free diet is the way to go in order to be healthy. The truth is that your body needs fat. Choosing the right fats is the tricky part, since not all fat is good. Click the article below to find out which to choose and which to steer clear of.